Full Itinerary
Northward bound we go through the mountains towards Otavalo, a bustling town home to a large indigenous population, noticeable by their traditional garb of wool hats, golden necklaces, intricately embroidered blouses and long black skirts. To charge up for the ride ahead we will stop to try a local delicacy of biscotti with cheese and caramel--a real sweet way to begin our adventure! Our ride takes us over the hills and through dirt-patched paths and roads used to connect the farms of local families, passing pastures of quinoa and other grains that are the way of life of the people in the region. Along the way we will have amazing views of the Imbabura Volcano and the Lago San Pablo. Our final stop takes us to the colorful and captivating Otavalo Market. The largest indigenous market in Ecuador, let the aisles of locally crafted fabrics, sweaters, carvings, and jewelry inspire you to take a piece of Ecuador home with you in your heart and in your suitcase.

Experienced Certified English-Speaking Guide
Private Transport
Biking gear
Fees to museums or reserves
Tips for guides and drivers
Light pants
Biking shorts
Non cotton t-shirt
Rain jacket
Rain pants
Mosquito repellent