Ecuador and Colombia Enduro 8 days $2100

Departure Date

Every Sunday


8 days 7 nights



Maximum Seats


Embark on an exhilarating Mountain Biking Expedition through the stunning landscapes of northern Ecuador and southern Colombia. Begin your adventure at the iconic Cotopaxi volcano, conquering challenging terrains and enjoying breathtaking vistas. Explore the mystical cloud forest along the Machetes Trail, marveling at lush greenery, exotic birds, and cascading waterfalls. Ride through the diverse trails of El Chota's dry valley, experiencing rocky descents and fast-paced single tracks. In Colombia, discover the captivating regions of Pasto, Tuquerres, and Nariño, with expert guides leading you through the best mountain biking trails. Relax in comfortable accommodations, savor delicious cuisine, and immerse yourself in the beauty and biodiversity of these unique ecosystems. This Mountain Biking Expedition promises an unforgettable adventure, showcasing the wonders of nature and creating lasting memories.
  • Ride single track of ancient trails.

  • Explore Andean volcanoes.

  • Visit two countries of South America.

  • Enjoy local cuisine.

  • Support sustainable tourism.

  • Be led by expert guides.

  • Stay at charming lodges at every place.

  • Mountain Biking – Enduro

  • Culture

  • Gastronomy

  • Swimming

Skill Level 7 – Advanced
Fitness Level 6
  • All year

  • 12 years old

Arrival in Quito

Day 1

Arrival Day

There are no activities planned for your first day for you to be able to explore the beautiful city of Quito on your own terms, but if you feel like having a guided day tour at extra cost, do not hesitate in contacting us. We are always more than happy to send you with one of our expert guides to learn more about the city or the surrounded areas. Please keep in mind that there is a meeting at 18:00 in the hotel’s lobby the first day to meet your guide and the rest of the group as well as learn about what’s in store for the days of your expedition!

Overnight: Dann Carlton or similar
Meals included: none.
Day 2

Cotopaxi Volcano

We start our day with a 1 hour drive from Quito to Cotopaxi National Park.

Once we arrive at the entrance of the reserve, we'll continue our expedition by car for about 40 minutes, reaching the Parqueadero at an impressive altitude of 4500 meters (14,800 feet). Prepare yourself for an adrenaline-pumping experience as we gear up for our first ride down the Owls canyon trail. This thrilling path, adorned with sandy and rocky single tracks, offers a breathtaking view of the majestic northern side of the Cotopaxi, this is considered as the highest active volcano in Ecuador.

This reserve is home of many species of fauna such us: llamas, alpacas, foxes, pumas, and other species of birds including the Andean condor.

As we conquer this captivating trail, our trusty driver will be on standby, ready to pick us up and transport us back to the Parqueadero. Our next ride will lead us to the Holy Ridge, where we'll embark on a steep sandy trail that will make your heart race. As we continue, we'll encounter a grassy section with delightful jumps, adding an extra dose of fun to our journey. The trail culminates in a narrow ravine, leaving you in awe of nature's wonders.

Later our driver will once again take us to the top, where we'll embark on the thrilling Condors Flight. Brace yourself for a lightning-fast ride next to an awe-inspiring canyon, as we navigate this adrenaline-fueled trail. As we approach the end of the trail, you'll be captivated by the rocky volcanic debris left behind by Cotopaxi's last eruption, a testament to the raw power of nature.

After an exhilarating day of exploration, we'll take a moment to replenish our energy with a delightful picnic and refreshing drinks. We will journey back to Quito for the overnight.

Overnight: Dann Carlton or similar
Meals included: Breakfast, lunch and dinner.
Day 3

Machetes forest trail

On this day our adventure begins bright and early in the morning in the vibrant city of Quito. We'll hop into our comfortable car and make our way for 2 hours to the awe-inspiring Cotacachi Cayapas Reserve, where our adrenaline-fueled journey awaits.

As we arrive at the reserve, we'll gear up and prepare to conquer the remarkable Machetes trail, a true gem of Ecuador's mountain biking scene. This trail spans an impressive 30 kilometers, making it one of the longest enduro trails in the country. Get ready to experience the thrill of riding through the picturesque paramo and delve into the enchanting forest that lies ahead.

Enjoy the captivating beauty of the native forest and the sound of birds as we navigate the challenging single track.

You'll be treated to breathtaking views and an unforgettable connection with nature. It's worth noting that the trail is lovingly maintained by the indigenous community, who have dedicated themselves to preserving its pristine condition. Their efforts not only provide us with an incredible biking experience but also ensure a sustainable income for the community.

After an exhilarating ride, we'll conclude our biking adventure in the charming village of Asabi. But before we bid farewell to the trails, we have a special treat in store. The indigenous community will warmly welcome us and prepare a delicious lunch, showcasing their culinary expertise. Indulge in a well-deserved feast and immerse yourself in the rich culture and traditions of the community.

As the day draws to a close, we'll hop back into our car and make our way to the enchanting town of Cotacachi.

Overnight: Yellow guest house or similar
Meals included: Breakfast, lunch and dinner.
Day 4

El Chota dry valley

After breakfast we will go by car for 1 hour, as you leave the city behind and venture into the untamed wilderness, your journey begins in the enchanting El Chota valley, home of the Afro-Ecuadorian people with a rich culture, and where the best soccer players of the country come from.

First we pedal through the high paramo in the area or Añaspamba, where crisp mountain air fills your lungs and panoramic views stretch as far as the eye can see. Marvel at the majestic sight of Yaguarcocha, a sparkling lake that mirrors the surrounding mountains in its pristine waters, as you guide shares the legends of the elders.

Descending from the paramo, the landscape transforms into the mesmerizing trails of El Chota dry valley, a habitat of cactus and plants that have adapted to live with very little water.

Here, nature's playground awaits, with its rugged terrain and challenging single steep tracks that will put your skills to the test. Feel the thrill of conquering each twist and turn as you navigate through the untamed wilderness, surrounded by the raw beauty of the Andean foothills.

As the sun begins to set and the day draws to a close, our journey culminates in the charming town of Ambuqui. Here, you will find respite and relaxation, as you settle into cozy accommodations for a well-deserved overnight stay.

Overnight: Pantavi or similar
Meals included: Breakfast, lunch and dinner.
Day 5

Nariño Trails

We will start very early to cross the border between Ecuador and Colombia, and we will be heading to Tuquerres, located in the picturesque department of Nariño, Colombia, Tuquerres emerges as a multifaceted destination that combines the thrill of adventure sports, cultural richness, and stunning mountainous landscapes.

Our first ride starts with a transfer to Portachuelo, a 30-minute journey. Portachuelo offers a single track, enduro-style trail that begins at an elevation of 3,100 meters (11,000 feet) above sea level and ends in the municipality of Guaitarilla. It's the perfect warm-up trail before tackling more challenging routes.

After a 30-minute van ride, we reach Alizal, where we'll ride an epic single track surrounded by beautiful vistas, it will be optional to ride 30 minutes uphill.

Later we continue to Imues, we have the opportunity to challenge ourselves on the Rocayosas trail. This downhill trail features a rock garden with steep inclines and multiple technical lines, suitable for riders with intermediate to advanced skills.

We conclude our day of mountain biking in the charming village of Vereda Pilcuan. With its pleasant climate, and our home for this night.

Overnight: Mawa or similar
Meals included: Breakfast, lunch and dinner.
Day 6

Volcan Azufral

Today we continue our journey through the captivating landscapes of Nariño, as you explore the majestic Azufral Volcano. Rising to an awe-inspiring altitude of 4,070 meters (13,350 feet) above sea level, this dormant stratovolcano is a true marvel of nature. Prepare to be enthralled by its grandeur and immerse yourself in the vibrant biodiversity that thrives within its slopes.

Our biking adventure begins in the enchanting Potrerillos sector, nestled at an elevation of 3,750 meters (12,300 feet). Here, an exhilarating trail awaits, promising awe-inspiring vistas that will leave you breathless. As you traverse this scenic path, be prepared to feast your eyes on breathtaking panoramas that stretch as far as the eye can see, offering glimpses of nature's untouched beauty.

Next, a short 40-minute drive will take us to the captivating Guaitara River Canyon, affectionately known as the "Grand Canyon of Colombia." Prepare to be awe-struck as towering cliffs and majestic gorges line the river, creating a landscape that defies imagination. From the vantage point of the "Pasión de Cristo" track, be prepared to be surprised by the amazing views from a steep switch-backs trail.

Continuing our expedition, a swift transfer will bring you to the charming municipality of Funes, here, a thrilling mountain biking adventure awaits, allowing you to immerse yourself in the rich history and vibrant culture of the region.

Overnight: Mawa or similar
Meals included: Breakfast, lunch and dinner.
Day 7

Explore the Ancient Inca Trail

Today our mountain biking adventure goes into the legendary Inca Trail in Yacuanquer. A 20-minute transfer will take us to the starting point of this ancient trail, a 5-kilometer section that forms part of the historic Qhapaq Ñan, the extensive network of paths used by the Incas centuries ago to connect their vast territories. Riding along this trail is like stepping back in time, immersing ourselves in the footsteps of the ancient Incas.

The Inca Trail is not only a thrilling mountain biking experience but also a journey into the rich heritage of the Incas. As we navigate through ancient paths and untouched landscapes, we'll connect with the history of this mysterious civilization.

After the Inca Trail, we'll hop on a 40-minute transfer to Las Arepas Track. Here, we'll discover the iconic track of Pasto city, known for its spectacular jumps, banked turns, and rock gardens. This track has hosted various national downhill and enduro competitions, offering an adrenaline-pumping experience for mountain biking enthusiasts.

Next, a 20-minute transfer will take us to Bosque del Comun Track, where an exciting 5-kilometer descent awaits. This track is a favorite among locals due to its incredible enduro features, stunning views, and excellent flow sections. Get ready to immerse yourself in the beauty of the surrounding forest as you navigate this thrilling trail.

After the exhilarating ride at Bosque del Comun, we'll embark on a 20-minute pedal to reach Cundur Track. Along the way, enjoy awe-inspiring views of Chachagui and Pasisara. The trail culminates in Chachagui, located just a half-hour drive from Pasto.

Overnight: Mawa or similar
Meals included: Breakfast, lunch and dinner.
Day 8


As you depart, we thank you and wish you safe travels to wherever your final destination may be! We thank you for choosing us and hope to see you soon! You can book your departing flight from the Airport of Pasto, located 1 hour from the hotel.

Meals included: Breakfast

Let's design your adventure

    • Private Transport

    • Airport transfers

    • English speaking guides

    • Meals described on the itinerary

    • Hydration

    • Hotel for 7 nights

    • All fees to parks and reserves

    • International or domestic flights

    • Bike or gear (Full Suspension MTBs Available for rent: 100usd per day)

    • Travel insurance

    • Meals not mentioned on the itinerary

    • Tips for guides and drivers

    • Itinerary Disclaimer: Even though we have a detailed itinerary, changes can be made by your guides, due to weather or safety reasons. Please also note that none of the wildlife sightings mentioned on the itinerary are guaranteed.

    • Visas and Passports: Make sure you check your visa and passport validity and requirements per country. It is important your passport is valid for at least 6 months before your travel.

    • Accommodation: We strive to use small and charming places that are unique and provide stellar service.

    • Single Supplement Costs: Generally, this fee is not incurred as we match you with another person of the same gender in a twin room, but if you prefer not to share and have your own room, then there will be an associated fee

    • Transportation: Driving time can take more than expected in Ecuador or Colombia, counties with roads meandering through the Andes mountains. We assure your comfort during transit no matter the size of the group.

    • Gear: We always make sure our guests have top of the line gear from well-known and reputable international brands as we understand that the best gear gives extra confidence to our riders, check with us the available mountain bikes for rent during your date of travel.

    • Level of Activity: This trip is considered as challenging. Guests need to have experience riding blue and black trails on different kind of terrains.

    • Weather and Elevation: The Climate of Colombia is characterized for being tropical and isothermal as a result of its geographical location near the Equator presenting variations within five natural regions and depending on the altitude, temperature, humidity, winds and rainfall. Each region maintains an average temperature throughout the year only presenting variables determined by precipitation during a rainy season caused by the Intertropical Convergence Zone. The climates in Colombia are characterized for having tropical rainforests, savannas, steppes, deserts and mountain climate, mountain climate further divided into tierra caliente (hot land) tierra templada (temperate land) tierra fría (cold land), tierra helada (frozen land) and Páramo. Sometimes the weather of Colombia is altered by the seasons in northern hemisphere, for example, from March to June, the weather is mild Spring, from June to August the weather is hot Summer, From September to December the weather is cool Autumn, and from December to March the weather is cold Winter. This happens very rarely, and it is usually a slight difference. In Ecuador the weather can be very variable depending on which side of the Andes you are traveling to, so it is highly recommended to come ready for all kinds of weather. When they say “Ecuador, All in One Place” they mean it! The altitude determines the temperature and the higher you go the colder it gets. Don’t let the geographic location of the country fool you. Even at a mere 15,000 feet the temperatures can feel like those of a winter in the northern United States. The coastal lowlands in the western part of Ecuador are typically warm with temperatures in the region of 25 °C (77 °F). Coastal areas are affected by ocean currents and between January and April are hot and rainy. The weather in Quito is consistent with that of a subtropical highland climate. The average temperature during the day is 70 °F (21 °C), which generally falls to an average of 50 °F (10 °C) at night. The average temperature annually is 64 °F (17.8 °C). There are only really two seasons in the city: dry and wet. The dry season runs from June to September and the wet season is from October to May.

    • Sustainability: We do our best to not produce any trash; we believe that recycling is not enough, so we try to avoid using any plastic or materials that pollute our environment. Every day we work towards being a zero-waste tour operator and our staff is well trained to leave the least impact possible in our service areas. We also work with local indigenous communities in the different regions. By doing so we are able to teach our guests about the rich culture of the destination, all the while helping the people preserve their traditions and lands. By working directly with local peoples, we are able to create a sustainable touristic income for the community.

    • Guides: All our guides have a professional background from the Tourism University; this means they have a degree in guiding, so their knowledge and skills when leading a group are top-notch. Each guide has many years of experience and they all have taken additional courses for other outdoor activities as well as have International First-Aid certifications. On top of all of this, they are all extremely personable and strive to deliver travel experiences of a lifetime.

    • Heath advices: no vaccinations needed for this trip

    We do recommend travelling light for this expedition.  A duffel bag of 50 litters for your luggage and a backpack of 20 litters for daily activities should be sufficient. In Ecuador and Colombia, the weather can change drastically especially when you are moving from the Andes into the cloud forest.

    • Your bike and full MTB gear

    • Passport

    • Credit card

    • Two pairs of lightweight hiking pants

    • Two pairs of shorts

    • Three pairs of biking shorts or pants

    • One bathing suit

    • 3 – 4 Biking Jerseys

    • One cotton T-shirts

    • One water T-shirt

    • One fleece

    • One rain jacket

    • One pair of rain pants

    • Two buffs

    • One pair of tennis shoes

    • One pair of water sandals or similar

    • Optional – personal cleats and shoes

    • Optional – pads for extra protection

    • One- or two-night outfits

    • One cap or hat

    • Sunscreen

    • Sunglasses

    • Mosquito repellent

    • Camera

    • Head lamp

    • Optional binoculars

    NOTE: Laundry is available almost at every location and it is cheap, this helps traveling light too. 


    $2100/per person

    • All premium features

    • Solo travelers are welcome on sharing room basis otherwise single supplement applies

    • Apply on these dates

    Go private

    Contact us

    • We are ready to meet your needs and put together an unforgettable experience.

    Talk to our Activexpedition expert

    We're here to chat about your next big idea.

    • 7 am - 4 pm Monday through Thursday.
    • 7 am to 1 pm Fridays (US central) toll free or by skype.
    Otherwise, email us anytime. On average we provide quotes within 6 hours during business hours and the next day during off business hours. Privately guided trips allow you to be in control of all the details of your trip - departure times, accommodations, extra nights, extra activities, extra experiences - what you want and how you want it. If you want to go private or customize this expedition, contact us.

    US & CANADA: +1 (919) 400-5824 EC: +593 (09) 5955-5556
